How to create an online store and get your first sale

Opening for business: How to set up your first online store - CNET

Starting something new could be intimidating for anyone. The fear of unknown and the uncertainty of success can make anyone nervous. However, you can face all of this if you have a perfect plan.

It is easy to start an online business today, be it a store or a blog. All you have to do is to stay determined and follow a strategy.

What is the strategy to start your online store?

The first part is to find your niche. You must figure out what products you are going to sell. It is better if you are familiar with your niche. Suppose you work out on a regular basis and go to a gym. It is better if you pick health and fitness for your niche. 

Second step is to find a developer who can work on the backend system for online store [ระบบจัดการร้านค้าออนไลน์, which is the term in Thai]. It is the best but costliest option.

You can also design your own online store but it would take a lot of time and learning to do so.

Another great method is to subscribe to a website that offers an Online sale system [ระบบขายของออนไลน, which is the term in Thai]. You pay a monthly fee to them and use their platform to design your store. Basically, you just have to drag and drop as they have ready-made templates.

How to get your first sale

Getting your first sale gives you confidence. You can finally feel that all your efforts were worthwhile.

In the beginning, the best way to get a sale is by running ads. You can post your ad on Facebook and Google. These two are the best places to start.

Though, you should also optimize your product descriptions for the organic reach. However, ads are the easiest and fastest way to get your first sale.